Re: no virus, only a rumor [good times, xxx-1]

Matthew Hannigan (
Sun, 23 Apr 1995 19:20:10 +1000

Amongst other things, Albert Lunde <> wrote:
> [CIAC advisories advise this is a hoax]

Yes, and they note that people have read the mail with
a subject of xxx-1, but don't say that anyone received
mail with subject of "good times" which is interesting
because I received such a message soon after the the "alert"
and of course read it, knowing there was no possiblity of 
an infection.

I think I still have the message somewhere.  And I think I tried
to track down the sender, to no avail.  But if anyone wants
a copy...

The only content were the lines "fnord" and "-23".

Everyone knows what they refernce.
(If you don't, send me $30 and I'll tell you)

	-Matt Hannigan